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Great British Railways Journeys


The programme, which was partly filmed on the WSR, will be shown on Thursday 11 January on BBC2 at 6 30 pm.The programme is entitled "Taunton to Newton Abbot" and the advertisement states "Michael Portillo is led a merry dance in Stogumber...

Christmas Dinner 17v1 3

FOSS Christmas Dinner


Above and on the left and up: Bob (signals), Pete (plumbing), Charles and Martine, Peter (archivist), the empty chair is Robin's, Rita, Jean and Nigel then down Colin (treasurer), Alan (stationmaster), Maggie (catering manager), Gil (retail...

Outside Light

Happy Christmas


We wish a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year to all volunteers, FOSS members and supporters from the Stogumber Station Committee ; Alan, Bob, Maggie, Gil, Peter and Colin. (thanks to Robin for the picture) Don't forget that we...

New Post2

New lamppost in the ground


Two down!... and the new replica GWR type post is in.At least it looks authentic!It should be fully operational in time for the carol trains. Come and see it at the Winter Steam Festival.Many thanks go to Robin White and the team of...

Outside Light 1

New light at Stogumber


Here is the new light fitted on the ticket office.and this is what it looks like switched on.On Saturday morning the 25 November we will be removing the two lampposts that have been turned off and digging a hole and planting the new...