Stogumber Station opening days in June
Here are the days when the station will be open in June and the approximate times of the trains. Please arrive at least 5 minutes before these times.
Wednesday 16 ..... no trains
Saturday 19 ....... 12 58, 15 22, 18 23, 20 37
Sunday 20 ......... 11 23, 13 10, 14 53, 16 40
Tuesday 22 ....... 11 23, 13 10, 14 53, 16 40
Wednesday 23 .... 12 23, 14 10, 15 53, 17 40
Saturday 26 ....... 12 58, 15 22, 18 23, 20 37
Sunday 27 ......... 11 23, 13 10, 14 53, 16 40
Tuesday 29 ....... 11 23, 13 10, 14 53, 16 40
Wednesday 30 .... 12 23, 14 10, 15 53, 17 40
The cafe will be open from 10 am to 4 pm unless the weather is wet.
In July the Stogumber Station Tea Garden will be open 6 days each week, details to follow soon.