July opening information
Here are the days which Stogumber Station will be open in July and the approximate times of the trains.
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before these times if you wish to see these trains.
Thursday 1 ...... no trains
Saturday 3 ........ 12 55, 15 25, 18 20, 20 40
Sunday 4 .......... 11 20, 13 12, 14 50, 16 42
Monday 5 ......... no trains
Tuesday 6 ........ 11 20, 13 12, 14 50, 16 42
Wednesday 7 .... 12 20, 14 12, 15 50, 17 42
Thursday 8 ...... no trains
Saturday 10 ........ 12 55, 15 25, 18 20, 20 40
Sunday 11 .......... 11 20, 13 12, 14 50, 16 42
Monday 12 ......... no trains
Tuesday 13 ........ 11 20, 13 12, 14 50, 16 42
Wednesday 14 .... 12 20, 14 12, 15 50, 17 42
Thursday 15 ...... no trains
Friday 16 ........ 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Saturday 17 ........ 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Sunday 18 .......... 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Monday 19 ......... no trains
Tuesday 20 ........ 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Wednesday 21 ..... 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Thursday 22 ...... 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Saturday 24 ........ 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Sunday 25 .......... 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Monday 26 ......... no trains
Tuesday 27 ........ 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Wednesday 28 ..... 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Thursday 29 ...... 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30
Saturday 31 ........ 10 35, 12 55, 13 29, 15 05, 15 38, 17 30