FOSS memberships now due
2020 was a very different time on the railway and not one that we would like to see repeated.
FOSS members continue to support the station and we have used the shut down to do several much needed jobs on the railway so that we can reopen as soon as it is safe to do so and we very much look forward to seeing you all again soon at our wonderful station.
- The cattle dock work has continued and looks impressive.
- Further work was completed in the garden including a new covered bench table as well as a new table.
- The vegetable garden at the end of the station has been cleared with a new path added, a work areas and compost bins. Ahhh, the good life!
- We have also completed various projects needed to keep the station in good order such as painting the waiting room etc.
- The line was weeded by hand.
- A new historic running-in board has been mounted in the waiting room and there is some more information and photos about this later on.
- New running-in boards and notice boards have been fitted.
As you will all be aware, the railway has had a very difficult time financially and following the changes to our constitution, we were able to make a donation to the PLC following their appeal to ensure their viability, without which Stogumber Station could not operate.
This, together with the lack of running days this year has put us in a very precarious position although a couple of very generous donations have enabled us to continue with our restoration work. However, the longer the railway is closed, the more unlikely it is that we can recoup the losses that have been made. We still have quite a bit of expenditure to meet before we can open including restocking the café as we could not just carry the stock throughout the year because of the sell-by-dates. We also have to ensure that the station is Covid safe before we can open.
This year more than most, we are reliant on your membership to ensure we can reopen.
For the full letter, details on how you can join FOSS and the minutes of the AGM please send a request to info.stogumberstation@gmail.com .