FoSS memberships are now due
Happy New Year!
2021 was a better year on the WSR with the support of our members and we saw many visitors at the station with social distancing, of course. We intend to continue in 2022 with these precautions so that all our visitors can feel confident that it is safe at our station. Many details, with pictures, of the work done at the station are on this website, so we will just summarise the details here.
The treasurer reports that in 2020 we made a loss of £6375 but we have made that up in 2021 whilst continuing with maintenance and project work. We are now in a position to be able to pay all the major bills for the station and do most of the maintenance work. We are grateful that WSR repaired the tarmac drive.
- The cattle dock should be opened during the Spring Gala.
- We are grateful to RAMS for rebuilding the two main gates and renovating the large luggage trolley. Both should be in position in the spring of 2022.
- We are continuing to secure the fabric of the lineside hut by making the pre-cast concrete frame stronger and providing a new external door and frame.
- Work on the garden continues as we remove much of the overgrown bank to reveal more ground!.
- Our workshop has been improved with a larger bench and more tools.
This aerial photograph shows the station in midsummer.
Membership for 2022 is now due.
If your details from previous years has not changed then you do not need to complete the membership form, just send your remittance using one of these methods below. Please send a confirmation by post or email.
If your details have changed or if you are a new member please enclose the form below with your cheque made payable to Friends of Stogumber Station and send to:
FOSS Treasurer, 5 Archers Grove, Stogumber, Taunton, Somerset TA4 3AJ
or email : info.stogumberstation@gmail.com .
Alternatively to a cheque, you can use bank transfer:
Sort Code 30 62 63
Account 13145768
Account Name Friends of Stogumber Station- (FOSS)
Lloyds Bank
Please use (surname. initial) and FOSS as reference
Persons over 16 years of age £7.00
Family membership £10.00
The membership year is from 1st January to 31st December. Persons joining after 1st October in any year will qualify for membership until 31st December in the year following.
Please give your first and last names, with all adult first-names for a family membership
To comply with the new data laws, please confirm that you are happy for us to contact you via email or post in relation to updating you only on matters concerning Stogumber Station. Unfortunately, we will not be able to keep you up to date without your specific permission. Your data will not be used for any other purpose or shared with any third party.
I confirm that I am happy for you to use my email/postal address only for purposes relating to Stogumber