Please make a note in your diaries, Friday 28 September 3 pm in the waiting room at Stogumber Station.NOTICE OF MEETING
I, Colin White, Acting Chairman of FOSS, hereby give notice of the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Stogumber Station
Please note that only current membership card holders will be allowed to attend.
To be held at
The Waiting Room, Stogumber Station
Friday 28th September at 15:00
Within the constitution of FOSS and the minutes of the Annual meeting the following Agenda items will be dealt with:
- Welcome from the Acting Chairman
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the 2017 AGM
- Vote to accept minutes
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Station Master’s Report
- Membership Secretary’s Report.
- Life Membership & 2019 Membership fees
- FOSS members Open Floor Time (limited to 5 minutes per request) for initial discussions to take place, (topics for discussion to be forwarded to the A/Chairman ahead of the meeting please)
- Election of New Chairman
- Any Other Business
- Closing Remarks
- Meeting Close (approx.17:00)
Copies of the minutes of the 2017 AGM and the 2017 Accounts will be available for inspection at the meeting. If you have an email address then please send it to me.
Please return to Mr C White, Acting Chairman of FOSS, 5 Archers Grove, Stogumber TA4 3AJ
or email to
I, _____________________ _______________________ shall/shall not be attending the 2018 AGM.
As I am not attending I nominate ___________________________ (insert name) as my proxy to attend the meeting and vote on my behalf.
or I wish the Acting Chairman of FoSS to hold my proxy and vote as he sees fit.
(Please delete and complete as appropriate)